Public Service Announcement: Non-Conformance.

The regret of failing to do what you wanted is way bigger than failing in what you did. Each one of us has an in-built rock-n-rolla mode which yearns to break free. The mode gets blunted by our anxieties that represses the free-will. Which raises the imposing question – is there any such thing as a “free-will”?

Societal interventions are largely responsible for this. We are pushed to conform to a lifestyle that fits a common template. This template drifts us away each passing day from our original self. The self which wants to create a new realm of identity and not plunge into an existential crisis. All of this is pretty known to you, especially if you have waltzed into the higher 20’s and beyond. What can you do about it?

Well, if you believe a cigarette would do you no harm and its eating you within for not trying it out ever, then do it. You are releasing the guilt held up within for years of not trying out. If you believe dating that girl or guy is the best thing for you, walk up to them and speak it out.  The rejection might linger for a while and will be much shorter than sulking over a missed opportunity. If you constantly yearned to run a dream business, start it up, fail and continue to fail as long as you can comfortably afford it. These would turn into a monster in the years to come if not duly addressed.

Stop bothering too much about a plan. Yes plans help, but do not take you to your goal by themselves. You would need to grind at it anyways, plans only make the grind look better and meaningful.

The achievers constantly question the existing order, come up with solutions and carve a success route for themselves. Least they do is to ape an existing success story, least you can do is ape their success stories. Being right is right, bringing the right under unnatural forces is horribly wrong.  Fall in all your cravings and you shall choose the path to righteousness yourself. Unfettered and determined.

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